Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit Sehati 2024-06-13T07:46:50+00:00 Suranta Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Kesehatan Sehati adalah media publikasi artikel penelitian yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sehati. Ruang lingkup artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal kesehatan sehati meliputi: keperawatan, kesehatan masyarakat, promosi kesehatan, kesehatan reproduksi, kesehatan ibu dan anak, administrasi kesehatan, administrasi rumah sakit. Jurnal kesehatan sehati terbit dua dalam setahun.</p> PENGARUH KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PERAWAT RAWAT INAP DI RS ADVENT MEDAN 2024-06-13T07:46:50+00:00 Suranta Bill Fatric Ginting Joyce Yulianti Silalahi <p>Improving the performance of inpatient nurses is crucial in the healthcare industry.<br>Good nursing performance can have a positive impact on patient satisfaction and<br>hospital reputation. As a result, it is critical that hospital administration addresses<br>variables that may affect nurse performance and satisfaction. A welcoming and<br>comfortable work atmosphere is one of the elements that might affect nurses' job<br>happiness. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how the performance of inpatient<br>nurses at Advent Medan Hospital was impacted by their level of work satisfaction.<br>Researchers concentrated on variables that affect nurse performance, such as pay,<br>relationships, advancement, and supervision. A survey with a randomly selected sample<br>of thirty-six respondents was the study technique employed. Multiple linear regression<br>analysis was used for the data analysis. The study's findings demonstrate the association<br>between job satisfaction and nurse performance in the inpatient room at RS Advent<br>Medan as well as salary, promotion, and supervision. This indicates that hospital<br>management needs to address these factors for enhancing satisfaction and nursing<br>performance, thereby providing better healthcare services to patients.</p> 2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Sehati HUBUNGAN KUALITAS MUTU PELAYANAN KEPERAWATAN DENGAN KEPUASAN PAS IEN RAWAT INAP DI RUMAH SAKIT ADVENT KOTA MEDAN TAHUN 2022 2024-06-13T06:44:15+00:00 Joyce Yulianti Silalahi Sukurman Telaumbanua <p>Service quality is an important factor that can build customer trust. Quality is not easy<br>to define but easy to feel, its manifestations are unfriendly staff service, queues of<br>visitors at counters, long waiting times for service. This will be complained of as<br>services that are not in line with expectations, services that are of poor quality so that<br>patients feel dissatisfied after getting the services provided. The formulation of the<br>problem in this research is How is the Relationship between Quality of Nursing<br>Service Quality and Inpatient Satisfaction at Advent Hospital, Medan Regency in<br>2022. This research uses quantitative research using an analytic survey and a cross<br>sectional approach. The population in this study were all hemodialysis outpatients, the<br>sample of this study used accidental sampling, namely 73 people. The results of this<br>study used the chi square statistical test and carried out a multivariate test using the<br>logistic regression test and it was found that reliability had a significant relationship<br>with patient satisfaction. This can be seen from the results of the value of p = 0.004 (p<br>&lt;0.05) and the value of POR (Prevalence Odds Ratio) 4.58 with 95% CI (1.629-<br>12.901) which means that reliability has an estimated risk associated with 4.58 times<br>with inpatient patient satisfaction at Advent Medan Hospital in 2022. With suggestions<br>to improve the quality of health services, especially doctors and nurses, always be<br>friendly and polite to patients.</p> 2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Sehati ANALISIS HUBUNGAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN, PENGAWASAN INTERNAL DAN MOTIVASI KERJA DENGAN KINERJA PETUGAS KESEHATAN DI PUSKESMAS TALUN KENAS KABUPATEN DELI SERDANG TAHUN 2023 2024-06-12T09:15:04+00:00 Suranta Bill Fatric Ginting <p>Kinerja merupakan hasil upaya karyawan atau prestasi yang dicapai dengan adanya usaha kemampuan dan persepsi tugas dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Perkembangan informasi yang tanpa batas dan kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan lingkungan semakin cepat berubah. Sumber daya manusia telah menjadi salah satu pemain penting di dalam fungsi manajemen secara keseluruhan. &nbsp;Seorang pemimpin dalam menjaga kelangsungan operasional organisasi harus memperhatikan serta berusaha mempengaruhi dan mendorong karyawannya. Gaya kepemimpinan seorang pemimpin yang didukung adanya rasa komitnen terhadap organisasinya, maka akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja mereka. Semakin baik cara memimpin seorang pimpinan dimana auditor bekerja maka akan semakin mempengaruhi kinerja auditor. Pengawasan intern yang dilakukan oleh APIP yang terdapat dalam Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) terdiri dari audit, review, evaluasi, pemantauan dan kegiatan pengawasan lainnya. &nbsp;Penelitian ini bersifat survei dengan desain penelitian <em>Cross Sectional</em>. Total sampel pada peneltian ini adalah sebanyak 77 orang responden. Data dianalisa dengan uji <em>Chi Square</em> dengan α 0,05. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis bivariat menunjukkan Terdapat Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan dengan Kinerja Petugas dengan nilai p (0,010) &lt; α 0,05, Terdapat Hubungan Pengawasan Internal dengan Kinerja Petugas dengan nilai p (0,009) &lt; α 0,05, dan Terdapat &nbsp;Hubungan Motivasi Kerja dengan Kinerja Petugas dengan nilai p (0,001) &lt; α 0,05, di Puskesmas Talun Kenas Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2023.</p> 2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Sehati ANALISIS HUBUNGAN KEPUASAN PASIEN DENGAN KEINGINAN BERKUNJUNG ULANG IBU POST PARTUM DI RUMAH SAKIT ADVENT 2024-06-13T07:10:33+00:00 Sarah Mira Ulfa Tanjung <p>Along with developments and innovations in the health care sector, the mindset of the people<br>towards it has also undergone very significant changes. The desire to revisit is someone's<br>encouragement to carried out activities to return to a place that has was visited, in this case, a<br>hospital. Postpartum mothers or the puerperium period is also known as the puerperium period,<br>which is the time needed by the mother to restore her reproductive organs to the way they were<br>before pregnancy or called involution, starting from the end of labor until within a period of<br>approximately 6 weeks or 42 days.<br>This study was a correlational analysis of descriptive used by cross sectional approach. The<br>research location in this study was Advent General Hospital. The method used in this study is<br>correlational descriptive analysis with a cross sectional approach. This research was conducted<br>at Advent General Hospital, Southeast Medan District, Sumatera Utara Province. The time for<br>conducting this research was from October 2022-March 2023. The population in this study were<br>all post partum mothers who made repeat visits. The sample selection method used an accidental<br>technique where the sample size in this study was 75 post partum mothers who returned to the<br>hospital.<br>Based on the results of the study, of the seven indicators of patient satisfaction, only one or medical<br>facilities and medicines had a relationship with the desire to return, while the other 6 indicators<br>had no relationship with the desire to return to post partum mothers. It is hoped that the hospital<br>management will further improve the quality of its services by increasing the number of existing<br>human resources and recruiting new staff according to the conditions and conditions that apply in<br>the hospital.<br>The conclusion of this study is that the hospital management always improves the quality of its<br>services both in terms of human resources and in terms of facilities and infrastructure in order to<br>provide satisfaction to patients which ends in the desire to visit again in the future and maintain<br>the existence of the hospital to continue to survive and develop to a better future.</p> 2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Sehati EVALUAS I PENGELOLAAN OBAT DI INSTALAS I FARMASI RUMAH SAKIT ADVENT KOTA MEDAN TAHUN 2022 2024-06-13T04:47:04+00:00 Ingrid Siahaan <p>10<br>EVALUAS I PENGELOLAAN OBAT DI INSTALAS I<br>FARMASI RUMAH SAKIT ADVENT KOTA<br>MEDAN TAHUN 2022<br>Ingrid Siahaan, MPH<br>STIKes Sehati, Jl. Pembangunan No 130C, Medan, 20124, Indonesia<br>Abstract<br>Implementation of Pharmaceutical Service Standards in a hospital institution must be<br>safety oriented in accordance with Permenkes No. 72 of 2016. The purpose of this study<br>was to evaluate the drug management system in the Advent Hospital pharmacy<br>installation which based on a managerial system approach as an IFRS function which<br>includes aspects of selection, procurement, storage, distribution and use. This study used<br>a descriptive observational study design with a qualitative approach, which aims to obtain<br>successful implementation of Pharmaceutical Service Standards at the Advent Medan<br>Hospital Pharmacy Installation (IFRS) in 2022. Data were collected in the form of<br>quantitative and qualitative data from document observations and interviews with the<br>person in charge of the installation pharmacists, administrative assistants, and pharmacy<br>warehouse clerks. The results showed that the Advent Hospital Pharmacy Installation<br>already had good readiness in terms of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, and<br>finances to support pharmaceutical services. It was support by the drug processing system<br>at IFRS Advent which has been running well, especially at the stages of procurement,<br>storage, distribution and use which have met established standards. However, at the stage<br>of the drug compatibility indicator with Fornas/DOEN, it was still below the specified<br>standard, namely 80.28%.</p> 2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Sehati